Men Like Gods, by H. G. Wells (1923)

A charming novel of Utopia. Of note was the Five Principles of Liberty:

1. Principle of Privacy
2. Principle of Free Movement
3. Principle of Unlimited Knowledge
4. Lying is the Blackest Crime
5. Principle of Free Discussion and Criticism

Or more verbosely, from page 252:

Every young Utopian had to learn the Five Principles of Liberty, without which civilization was impossible. The first was the Principle of Privacy. This is that all individual personal facts are private between the citizen and the public organization to which he entrusts them, and can be used only for his convenience and with his sanction. Of course all such facts are available for statistical uses, but not as individual personal facts. And the second principle is the Principle of Free Movement. A citizen, subject to the due discharge of his public obligations, may go without permission or explanation to any part of the Utopian planet. All the means of transport are freely at his service. Every Utopian may change his surroundings, his climate and his social atmosphere as he will. The third principle is the Principle of Unlimited Knowledge. All that is known in Utopia, except individual personal facts about living people, is on record and as easily available as a perfected series of indices, libraries, museums and inquiry offices can make it. Whatever the Utopian desires to know he may know with the utmost clearness, exactness and facility so far as his powers of knowing and his industry go. Nothing is kept from him and nothing is misrepresented to him. And that brought Mr. Barnstaple to the fourth Principle of Liberty, which was that Lying is the Blackest Crime.


But where the news of Utopia lacked liveliness, the liveliness of the discussion made up for it. For the Fifth Principle of Liberty in Utopia was Free Discussion and Criticism.